Trick or Treat by Transit ~ 6 Oct 2022

October began with the asteroid Psyche in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries. In the ethers, like an equinoctial breeze, swirled the theme “What can I do to feel better about my place in the world as this year comes to close?” Fortunately, the month ends with Psyche in Libra standing directly across the sky from Eris in Aries. The visions and dreams to hold are that the sense of a perfect fit within oneself and the subsequent view of one social, professional and spiritual standing ideally matches with the wildest, most far-reaching daydreams.

Fortunately again, this month is like trick or treating. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Psyche, all quite personal in nature, each oppose Chiron and Eris. The effect is that of filling a trick or treat bag chock full of goodies that feed the soul with organic sweetness and full nourishment.

Given that Psyche, Chiron and Eris stand outside the realm of the most familiar horoscopic players, here’s a review based upon their individual perihelion and node (noted in parentheses below as perihelion/node).

Psyche: (Aries/Virgo) Imagine self perfection. What would ones value be if totally up to snuff in all things offered in the real world? That’s the stuff daydreams are made of!

Chiron: (Libra/Libra) Sort out your relationship with yourself. Assume that any negatives dumped on you by others are projections and not relevant to your soul... and compliments should be taken with a grain of salt. Work to silence your inner editor. Then, establish a committee that praises you for all merits, experiences gained and tasks mastered.

Eris: (Libra/Taurus) Simply, find a fit inside yourself that is immune to the pressures of social and economic norms. Establish the boundaries your personal Goldilocks Zone.

And now the transits...

7 October: Sun in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries

It’s time to eradicate every single bit of external opinion about what you are and whom you strive to become. No other opinion can impact your self-esteem unless you allow it to do so. Create a sense of personal responsibility. It’s better not to defer blame or circumstances onto others. This is the time to make your own bed... and make it perfectly ensuring the best of dreams.

10 October: Venus in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries

Your opinion of yourself cannot be measured by bank accounts, investments or cyber currency in your ledger. Nor can your opinion be based upon social status. No need to consider how many folks follow you or view your social media posts and dance routines. The agenda is solely to define talents and skills, no matter how intangible they may seem and add them to the first aid kit for the ego and psyche that provides remedies for life’s bumps and bruises.

17 October: Sun in Libra opposes Eris in Aries

Eris mandates self assessment free and clear of all other expectations. Sitting with the self to determine where self seeks to end up such that life inspires radiating the fullest essence of the entirety of ones assets is an ideal thing to do. Make declarations of where you want to go and how you intend to be and seek out those affirmations fully. All the while it would be great to keep in mind pretty much everyone feels this stimulation currently. Include those that support your causes and benefit by doing so. Say “no thank you,” to those who do not.

18 October: Venus in Libra opposes Eris in Aries

Economic status and emotional relationship assume center stage. Free yourself of entanglements that do not serve your purposes. Set clear boundaries based upon your priorities of success and accomplishment. Be firm and fair in all declarations of what you can and cannot do. Create plans for financial “freedom” whatever that might mean, and petition for all things material and economic that aid your efforts. Practice investor pitches! You gotta sell where you seek to stand.

19 October: Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries

Anything stuck in your craw that someone once said about you that made you feel this way or that can be let go. Should you need to speak up about things that didn’t settle correctly, do so. This is your time to ascertain that what you believe yourself to be is the cross you bear. Delete thoughts that minimize your traits. Establish a clear CV of all attributes affirmed to be true by every aspect in your chart. If it’s in your chart, you know it’s so!

25 October: Mercury in Libra opposes Eris in Aries

Avoid any temptation to lash out should you feel slighted. Instead, counter with a concise declaration of what your intention is within any arbitration or confrontation at hand. This is a “more bears with honey than vinegar” transit. Contentious need not apply. Zero-sum scenarios do not fit the model. Instead conjure up the best incantation ever to create phenomenal outcomes in which all parties are pleased with the end game.

30 October: Psyche in Libra opposes Eris in Aries

The interesting thing about dreams is that a dreamer most often feels like the protagonist in their dreams. Imagine, before taking a nap or turning in for sleep what the benefit would be of dreaming your way through fantastical scenarios. Consider it to be selecting a movie to watch multiple times that by theme, intention and outcome that suit your current life agenda. Summon the dream spirits to direct your psyche in collecting all parts of yourself, shining them up and prominently positioning them on display for your consciousness to absorb while your ego sleeps. What difference might that make to the first feeling upon waking up in any given day?

Ultimately, October is a profound month for repositioning you in the spectrum of all energy and light in the universe. Chiron urges personal healing and developing confidence such that your acquired life experience fortifies ego and knowledge serves all dreams and pursuits. Eris rather strongly encourages sufficient presence of self to work your way into positive circumstances previously assumed to be outside your bandwidth. Like sorting through Trick or Treat goodies, not all of the loot are favorites. Those unfavs can be given away and you are free to focus on all the things your energy drew toward you in life within the natural Libran leanings of attraction.

Important to the outcome of this year, these transits explain the hint of hope in the air that portends things could actually get better and conjures certainty things might turn out really good!

More soon.